ERP System for Society Management using ASP.NET(framework) & C#

Meet Suvariya
9 min readMay 6, 2022


What is an ERP system?

ERP (Enterprise resource planning) is usually referred to as a category of business management software. It provides an integrated and continuously updated view of core business processes using a common database maintained by a database management system.

ERP(Enterprise resource planning)

What is the purpose to make this kind of ERP?

The Main Objective of this project is to make things useful and easy to use for everyone. The basic purpose of this project is to manage all the processes and resources by using this ERP. Everyone can use this ERP to manage and fetch the details of another member easily. This ERP will help to manage the Society accounts and maintenance process easily.


I had used the SQL database for storing data and I made this web app using ASP.NET (C#). My web application is responsive to all devices. First, I have made tables in the database to store specific data.


There are a total 12 Datatables that will store all the data for this ERP. The following diagram will show you how data is stored in the 12 tables.

Database data tables


This ERP-suite has basically 3 types of users. Admin, Committee Member of Society, and Member of Society. This ERP-suite provides the following facilities according to the type of user.

  1. Services of Admin
  • Dashboard ( Total Registered Society, Committee Member details, Graphical representation for City Wise No.of Society registered)
  • Add New Society
  • Remove Society
  • Update Society Info
  • Add New Committee Member

2. Services of Committee Member

  • Dashboard (Member details, Monthly Maintenance status, Event Notifications, Vehicles details, Graphical Representations of Society Budget, expenses, etc.)
  • Society Info (View/update)
  • Add/Remove Member
  • Profile (View/Update)
  • Society Account( Total Amount, Total Expenses)
  • Monthly Maintenance ( All Member list who paid/ remaining with Maintenance, View/ print Receipts)
  • Parking (Society parking capacity, Member’s Vehicles Details)

3. Services of Member

  • Profile( View / Update)
  • Other Member Details
  • Society Info(View only)
  • Committee Member List
  • Society Account( Society Budget, Expenses History, etc.)
  • Parking(Vehicle details, add or remove own vehicle)

Login page

There is a total of 2 login pages. The first one is for Member and Committee Member and the second one is for admin.

Committee Member/ Member login

Member and Committee Members can log in through this page. here Committee Members have to select the checkbox while entering Credentials. Here Society Id is a unique code that will be used to differentiate two societies if they have the same name.

Login page

Admin login

Admin Login page

Admin Panel

As I mentioned above Admin can add a new Society, Update the details of the registered Society, Remove any society, add new Committee members in any society.

  1. Admin Dashboard

Here you can see that This is the dashboard of the admin panel. This dashboard is totally dynamic means if You add or remove any society from the database then change will be reflected into the dashboard card and graph.


From this Dashboard, you can go through all that details in detail by clicking that cards

Total Registered Society

Total Registered Member

Registered Committee Members

2. Add New Society

From the below Page admin can add a new Society.

Add New Society

3. Remove Society

From this page, the admin can remove any society from the database. Here I use the concept of autofill that means if you select the society code then the society name will be automatically fetched from the database. Also, I validate these features by asking admin password and confirmation.

Remove Society

4. Update Society Info

From this page, the admin can update details of any society. Here I use the concept of autofill that means if you select the society code then the society name and all other details will be automatically fetched from the database.

Update Society Info

5. Add New Committee Member

Add new Committee Member

6. Remove Committee Member

Remove Committee Member

Committee Member Panel

  1. Dashboard

Here Committee Members can see the overview of the society details like how many houses are empty, how many vehicles are there, etc.


2. Society Info (View/update)

Here Committee Members can see the basic information of the Society also they can edit that information.

Society Info

You can also update these details by clicking the edit button then you will be redirected to this page.

Edit Society Info

3. Add Member

Here Committee Member can add a new member to the society by filling in the following information.

Add Member

Also, they can remove them by this page

4. Remove Member

Committee Member can remove members by this page.

Remove Member

5. Profile (View/Update)

Committee Member can view and edit their profile by following pages.


they can edit their profile by clicking the edit button and they will be redirected to this page.

Edit Profile

6. Parking

From here committee members can update the society parking capacity also see the details of every vehicle.

Parking Capacity

Committee Member can see the details of all vehicles.

Vehicles Details

7. Society Account

Society Account is a module that is used to manage financial resources. This module will Contain the Society Maintenance, Expenses, and Income History, etc.

  • Society Account Dashboard

This page will contain a card that will show the total amount available for a particular society.

Society Account Dashboard

  • Income History

Income History

  • Expenses History

Expenses History

  • Maintenance

This page will have two different pages. Add Maintenance and Check Maintenance Status.

add maintenance page is for adding maintenance of member who paid the maintenance to that Committee Member. The second one is Check Maintenance status that is used to see the list of members who paid the maintenance of the selected month.

Add Maintenance

Check Maintenance Status

Member Panel

  1. Profile( View / Update)

Members can view their profile also they can edit it from the below page.


They can also edit their profile.

Edit Profile

2. Other Member Details

Member can see the details of the other society member including contact details and all.

Society Member List

3. Society Info(View only)

Member can see the basic information of the society information. they don’t have the right to edit that information.

Society Info

4. Committee Member List

Members can see the list of Committee members of the society.

Committee Member List

5. Parking

Members can add details of their vehicle also they can update and remove it. They can also see some details of other members’ vehicles.

Member’s Vehicle List

Other Member’s Vehicles Details

Member can add a new vehicle and also they can update or remove.

Update/Remove Vehicle

6. Society Account

This page will contain a card that will show the total amount available for a particular society. Also, members can download the Maintenance Receipts.

Society Account

  • Income and Expenses History

Income Expenses History

  • Maintenance

Members can Check Maintenance status and also they can download receipts of paid Maintenance.

Society Maintenance

  • Print Maintenance Receipts

If Maintenance is paid then they will be redirected to a new tab which will show the Maintenance receipts. Otherwise, it will show a message like this ‘Your Maintenance is pending’.

Check Maintenance Status

If maintenance is paid then you will see this receipt.

Maintenance Receipt

Once members can click the ‘Download’ button Maintenace receipt will be downloaded. and you will get a PDF like this.

Downloaded Receipt

Further Enhancements:

I will add two features to this ERP. Notice Board and complaint box.

  • Notice board: Committee Member can add a new event or notice info to the notice board and all the members will get the SMS notification about that notice. So, it will help to give the details of any society meetings, events easily to all members.
  • complaint Box: Members can add complain to this module by filing the complaint form and committee Member can see their complaints and can review them and send feedback or reply to them.


So, this ERP will manage the resource and the data of societies easily. This ERP-suite helps the users to maintain their Society data and resources digitally so no need to maintain papers and write everything.

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Meet Suvariya

Software Engineer | Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador